Computer lessons offered for free

Locals as well as residents of neighbouring areas now have the luxury of learning how to use computers free of charge. This is thanks to an initiative that was started two years ago by Ms Nombuso Vilakazi and Mr Sihle Macibelo, with the help of the Department of Social Development, which funded the programme.

GUTJWA – Locals as well as residents of neighbouring areas now have the luxury of learning how to use computers free of charge.
This is thanks to an initiative that was started two years ago by Ms Nombuso Vilakazi and Mr Sihle Macibelo, with the help of the Department of Social Development, which funded the programme.
Vilakazi had to leave after a year, but that never deterred the determination of Macibelo to continue. He has since been joined by two teaching assistants, Mr Wonderboy Mfokeng, Mr Sizwe Chilongwe and Ms Danisile Ngomane Mathebula, who help from Monday to Friday.
People come as far as Clau-Clau, Chweni and Manyeveni, to learn computers at the center which is located in one of the offices of the Chief of Gutjwa.
The program has been ongoing for two years, with four classes that graduated with certificates within the last two years. Makhubela said that the center does not only cater for the youth, but caters for everyone who would like to equip themselves with computer skills. According to him, the majority of people who register are females and he urges males to also come and register to be part of the program.
According to Makhubela, students are taught almost everything from the basics of computers to essential computer skills. This year’s class is said to be approaching the final stage of their computer literacy.
Speaking to Mpumalanga News, they all declared to this newspaper they are fully computer literate and were ready to take on the world with their skills.
“I now know computer beyond my expectations. I cannot wait to go out there and use the skills I have acquired here,” said Ms Nonjabulo Khumalo, one of the learners.
This is not only a learning center, but also a place where they share and discuss issues that affect young people. ”We start our day on Monday with topics that affect our lives. We debate issues and come up with solutions. On Fridays we exercise and discuss wellness before class,” said Ms Banele Malope also a student at the center.
” The program will grow and hopefully we will get more funding because at the moment we are working with only 14 computers and we need more because each year, the number of our students grows,” said Makhubela.

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