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Job creation and service delivery at top of the list

The creation of more employment opportunities and the delivery of basic services will be the top priority for the Mpumalanga government over the next five years.

MBOMBELA – The creation of more employment opportunities and the delivery of basic services will be the top priority for the Mpumalanga government over the next five years.

This was according to the premier Mr David Mabuza who delivered his State of the Province Address this past Friday, when he outlined government’s plans.

Mabuza, who is serving his second term at the helm of the provincial government, after his speech told Mpumalanga News that all of the plans are in the pipeline. He said that he would work tirelessly to ensure that local municipalities delivered basic services to the citizens.

“I can stand in front of the entire province and deliver a good or bad speech, depending on how one views it, but it would mean nothing if no action was taken.

Therefore the government will work with urgency to speed up services, especially the issue of water in our communities. We are going to continue to prioritise the supply of bulk water infrastructure and the acceleration of reticulation in all municipalities.

“We are also worried about many of our young people who are sitting at home doing nothing to improve their lives. We are going to create more employment opportunities and equip them with skills so they can access jobs,” said Mabuza.

He said his administration would ensure that the priorities raised by the people in the 2014 ANC manifesto were implemented. “During our door-to-door campaigns we listened to our people’s plights and we promised that we would improve their livelihood and so, we dare not fail them now,” he said.

He said government would target economic growth that is above five per cent per annum, which in turn would be expected to create over 390 000 additional and sustainable jobs by 2019, meaning that an average of 78 000 jobs each year.

Mabuza said he would engage with local municipalities and ward councillors to be much closer to the people on the ground.

“This will help us communicate developments and programmes and it will also help them understand how government operates.”

Also of critical importance was the dire state of the health system in the province, of which Mabuza strongly called for change.

“We are not going to stand aside and watch our elderly and children be subjected to long queues and waiting hours in public health-care institutions. We are going to take drastic measures where necessary and we are going to strengthen communications with hospital CEOs.”

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