Bus commuters criticise taxi industry strike

Bus commuters condemned the behaviour of the taxi industry. This comes after commuters from Kabokweni and Barberton were forced to walk long distances to reach their working places.

MBOMBELA – Bus commuters condemned the behaviour of the taxi industry.
This comes after commuters from Kabokweni and Barberton were forced to walk long distances to reach their working places.
Mpumalanga News learnt that usually the bus company Buscor provides free trips for their loyal commuters who are using weekly or monthly tickets. Buses dropped them at the nearest places of work.
One of the bus commuters, Mr Senzele Mdaka said: “Their behaviour is totally unacceptable. Why did they close the R40? Yesterday I didn’t arrive on time at work because I was forced to walk from Tiger Wheel to the Riverside industrial area.

They were supposed to think for other people. Early last year bus drivers went on a strike, but they didn’t disturb traffic or other public transport. They should have come out with other alternatives that will make the government to attend them than affecting all people because I even don’t know what they are fighting for.“
Meanwhile, after working hours, taxi commuters were also in a dilemma. They didn’t get taxis on time as it’s allegedly said that there were no taxis to take them home as it was alleged that the taxi drivers couldn’t drive because they were drunk.
This publication also learnt that other taxi commuters from places such as Kanyamazane and Pienaar decided to ask for lifts from cars that were passing-by as it was getting late.

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