ANC regional deputy chairperson celebrates his birthday

The regional deputy chairperson of the ANC, Mr Simphiwe Mashile celebrated his birthday by giving back to the less fortunate from this often-forgotten village.

MBONISWENI – Instead of celebrating his special day with his family and friends, Mashile, with the help of local business people felt it wise to celebrate this day with his entire community, which he said had made him the man he was today.

He donated wheelchairs and gave out bursaries to local individuals in need of financial aid to finish pursue their careers at a tertiary institution of their choice.

Before taking to the podium to address hundreds of community members, business people and members of the ANC in attendance, Mashile had earlier made an appeal to all local business people to come together and help change other people’s lives, especially those that come from disadvantaged backgrounds.

“All I ever wanted was just to spend some time with my community and help bring change and relief to their lives. This was my wish and I couldn’t have done it without the help of all the people who came aboard and pledged their support. There are many business people in the province and I believe that if they could work together, so much more could be achieved,” said Mashile.

He is no stranger to charity work as he has been engaged in a number of charities where he donated money and wheelchairs to different individuals and Home Based Care centres.

During this celebration, Mashile surprised a local young man who said had earlier went to the ANC regional offices asking for donations to further his IT and computer studies at a local tertiary institution.

“I know you don’t know why you are here, but I want to tell you that all your fees to continue studying have taken care of. On Monday, you are going back to school,” he told the surprised young man who was so close to shock he almost fainted.

“And you my old lady,” he pointed to an old woman on the stage. “I am aware of your situation at home that you don’t have a decent shelter, but don’t worry anymore because as from Monday contractors will come and start with the building of your new house,” he told her.

He said he met most of these people he helped during the ANC‘s door-to-door campaigns just before the elections.

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