Misleading placards in the KNP

SANParks has warned people placing posters, flyers and notices containing incorrect rhino poaching information at look-out points, rocks and trees in the Kruger National Park to refrain from such tendency.

SKUKUZA – SANParks has warned people placing posters, flyers and notices containing incorrect rhino poaching information at look-out points, rocks and trees in the Kruger National Park (KNP) to refrain from such tendency.

According to the  General Manager: Communications & Marketing, William Mabasa,placing such placards on undesignated areas, without permission is not allowed in a National Park and also misinforms tourists.

“We welcome the awareness against rhino poaching as it assists us in getting the message across; however we would like to request the public to consult us before placing such information in the Park. Not only do these placards pollute the environment, but giving incorrect information about the scourge is irresponsible,”said Mabasa.

Mabasa further stated that there are designated areas in the park such as gates and camps wherein awareness information boards regarding rhino poaching can be placed.

“Members of the public who wish to make proposals which can assist in curbing the problem, should come forward and refrain from littering the Park, as this is an offence. Rhino poaching negatively affects all of us as the country; therefore we welcome any constructive suggestions at all times,” concluded Mabasa.

Those with information regarding rhino poaching are also urged to either make use of the Tip-off lines 0800 205 005, 08600 10111, 32211 Crime Line or contact their nearest police station with information where they will remain anonymous.

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