Children taught about their rights

The local police station interacted with learners during Child Protection Week (CPW) by visiting various primary schools such as Thandulwazi and Vulamasango, to teach them about their rights to safety

KANYAMAZANE – The local police station interacted with learners during Child Protection Week (CPW) by visiting various primary schools such as Thandulwazi and Vulamasango, to teach them about their rights to safety.

Speaking with this reporter, the spokesman of the local police station, Insp Andries Sikwambane stated this time the staff targeted primary schools because they had realised that in most cases, children were the at high risk
of being raped.

“During CPW, we felt that there was a need to remind our kids about their rights, especially when it came to their safety.
“You can find that a child is sexually abused by someone and he/she is not aware that it is against the law.

“This is a way of encouraging them to speak out when they are abused,” explained.
He said they had other programmes at the station where they interacted with learners as well.

“Children are very close to our hearts, they are leaders of tomorrow, hence we want to ensure that they are always safe.
“So far I can say that we have had positive results as we have learnt that incidents of rape are decreasing in our area and surroundings.

“Our programmes are not only focusing on safety, but we touch various topics as we work with various other organisations such as South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, where learners are taught at an early age about the disadvantage of taking drugs and alcohol abuse,” he said.
Parents are also encouraged to have a good relationship with their children and to trust them.

Sikwambane concluded by urging children to feel free to visit their nearest police station if they were being abused at home and they don’t have someone to talk to or when they are going through difficult situation.

“Bantfwana abati khutsi sibangani babo, bangasisabi sikhona kutsi sitobavikela,” he said.

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