Police happy with successful conviction

He was sentenced by the Pretoria Circuit of the High Court in Nelspruit.

KANYAMAZANE- The local police have received a pat on the shoulder following a successful conviction of a 38-year-old man who kidnapped, robbed and brutally murdered a 51-year-old woman.

Mr Bhekumuzi Harries Mashego (30) was sentenced to 15 years for the kidnap, another 15 years for the armed robbery and life imprisonment for the murder of the late Elizabeth Sibongile Shiba (51) .

He was sentenced by the Pretoria Circuit of the High Court in Nelspruit.

The incident happened on June 11.2012 when Mashego went to the deceased house armed with a firearm, robbed Shiba’s son and his girlfriend.

After hearing shots fired at her son’s room ,  Shiba went to investigate what was happening, Mashego forcefully grabbed her and left with her, after which family members notified the police about the incident.

Shiba’s body was found was found on the following day after the accused showed police where he had killed and dumped her at EBhubhushini behind Cash Build.
Post mortem results revealed that the deceased died of four gunshot wounds on her head .

“We are so happy about the sentence especially because the sentences run concurrently. This we hope will bring closure to the deceased family and sends a very strong message to would-be criminals out there that there is no place for them outside jail , they deserve to rot in jail,” said WO Andries Skwambane,spokesperson for the local police.

He also congratulated the hard work and determination showed by the investigating office in this matter Const Dzimba.

“He successfully investigated the case until the accused was found guilty by the court. This shows that police at Kanyamazane are up in arms against all odds of criminal behaviour,” concluded Skwambane.

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