
Chaos reigns in Machadodorp

Residents of this town, Waterval Boven and Belfast are now fed up with the ongoing strike by municipal workers.

MACHADODORP – Municipal workers have been striking for three weeks because of grievances with Emakhazeni Local Municipality. One of their gripes is that they haven’t been issued with protective gear and uniforms to perform their duties.

They have vandalised these towns by smashing the windows of municipal offices with rocks and damaging water and electrical supply structures. Garbage hasn’t been removed and residents fear the outbreak of serious illnesses because of the accumulating filth.

Lowvelder and various residents of these towns have been trying to locate officials at the municipality in an attempt to get answers, but phone calls remain unanswered.

A resident of Machadodorp, Mr Terry Burke, said they had been left without power again last week after workers had damaged some of the electrical structures. A local electritian repaired the fault of his own accord but when he enquired about reimbursement from the municipality, he was apparently told there was no money. “Without his help we would still be without power,” Burke said.

DA councillor in the area, Ms Amanda Botha, added that the workers had stressed that they would continue with the strike until their demands were met.

Read an earlier article here.


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