From all corners of Mpumalanga: hear what voters had to say

Many voters had their say about the 2014 elections. See our video from across the Lowveld in which voters explain why they made their mark on the ballot today and what they hope for after the national elections.

Premier Mabuza speaks to Lowveld Media about his hopes for Mpumalanga

Premier Mabuza cast his vote with farming communities in Barberton. Mabuza joined the farming communities in one of the farms, just outside Barberton to cast his vote in the country’s fifth democratic elections.

Watch the video here: 

EFF in Mpumalanga confident about elections

Candidate for the premiership, Collen Sedibe, and freedom fighter, Thuli Mdhluli, speak about their party’s standpoint and election 2014.

Watch the video here:

Matsulu residents cast their votes

Residents from Mtsulu from Mtsulu went to cast their vote this morning. They speak to MP News about the challenges their communities face and their hopes for the future.

Watch the video here:

Pienaar residents cast their votes

Pienaar residents went to cast their vote this morning. Election proceedings were peaceful and civil. They share with MP News their challenges and hopes for a better South Africa.

Watch the video here:

Bushbuckridge mayor casts his vote

The mayor of Bushbuckridge, Mr Renias Khumalo cast his vote this morning at Alexandria Primary in the very same classroom he attended during his primary years. He urges the youth to enhance democracy by participating in the elections on May 7, 2014.

Watch the video here:

Residents from Hermansburg talk to Barberton Times about the voting process

Mr Altus Lotter from the Hermansburg area was overly impressed by the voting process and by the IEC personnel.

Watch the video here:

First time voters are positive about their future

Harriet Schatz, a first-time voter, made her mark on ballot papers early in the morning at the Nelsville Community Centre. She enjoyed the experience. Ayanda Windvoël went to vote for the first time at the Ehlanzeni FET Nelspruit Campus. She proudly sported her party’s colours and was confident in their ability to change the country.

Watch the video here:



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