Escalating number of police suicide cases raises concern

Rumours have it that there were domestic issues between the late and his wife who apparently had a protection order against him.

NELSPRUIT – The number of suicide cases seems to be escalating among members of the police sector in Mpumalanga. To date this year, six members from different stations tragically ended their lives. The latest incident left the Nelspruit cluster and community stunned as one of their long-serving members, Capt Raymond Nxumalo supposedly ended his life. His was apparently found hanged at his home on April 20.

Rumours has it that there were domestic issues between him and his wife, who apparently had a protection order against him, although they lived under the same roof. One of his closed friends told this newspaper said “He died of a broken heart,”.

Another friend who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “Bekasha lomfana (meaning he was stressed), but it never crossed my mind that he would decide to end his life like that – one might believe he had been bewitched,” he said.

This newspaper also learnt that he had recently ignored a red traffic light and when the traffic officer questioned him, he apparently responded by telling him his domestic problems.

Col Leonard Hlathi, spokesperson for police in the province, confirmed the suicide and said it was a serious cause for concern in the sector.

“We urge our members to seek professional counselling and support which are provided free by psychologists, social workers and pastors from our health wellness sector. They are employed to deal holistically with personal problems of SAPS members,” he said.

“Much as it is an individual’s responsibility to approach these workers voluntarily for help, we also encourage station commanders to be observant and if they see that a member might have a problem, they must intervene as soon as possible to get help and avoid similar incidents in future. We cannot afford to bury members of the police who had committed suicide, week after week.”

Statistics show that 73 committed suicide in 2009, a year later the figure rose to 97 and in 2011 it dropped to 85. In 2012, 98 took their own lives, and by June 2013, the figure stood at 34. According to a speech delivered by the minister of police in the country, Mr Nathi Mthethwa, analysis indicates that the trends in committing suicide include the use of a service firearm, hanging, and overdose by tablets. “Poor financial management, personal trauma and mental health issues were among the leading causes of suicide in this sector.”

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