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Mystery of the open graves

While the family was still trying to figure out what happened to the grave, they got another shock of their life on Tuesday morning.

ALEXANDRIA – “First it was our mother’s grave that was found wide open, and this time it is our father’s grave that is open.”

These were the words from the disraught Mashiloane family after they found their father’s grave in the family yard wide open last week on Tuesday morning.

According to Ms Mildred Mashiloane (59), they re-buried their mother last year after they found her grave wide open, but they were not sure what had happened. Until today, we are still trying to find out what happened to our mother’s grave, but we can’t find the answers because the grave does look like someone was digging it, but we don’t know who did it,” she said.

Read more in Thursday’s print edition of Mpumalanga News.


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