UDM vows to root out corruption

holomisa said citizens must take charge of their country by taking their responsibility of voting seriously.

KAMHLUSHWA – The United Democratic Movement leader, Mr Bantu Holomisa, said that corruption hampered and derailed the service delivery vehicle.

“The hard-won liberties, as enshrined in the country’s constitution, are being destroyed by corruption and the lack of effective action to address the socio-economic circumstances of our people.

“Corruption is the most serious threat to our freedom, as it is the main cause of unemployment, poverty, inequality and poor service delivery.

UDM shall root it out on all levels of society through independent law-enforcement agencies and special courts dedicated to prosecuting corruption in both the public and private sectors,” said Holimisa during his party’s election campaign held last week in Ermelo and at KaMhlushwa in the Nkomazi subregion on Monday. He said citizens must take charge of their country by taking their responsibility of voting seriously.

“We urge all citizens, including all opposition party leaders and civil society, to stand together.

Despite the bleak and discouraging situation in which we find ourselves, the UDM firmly believes that it is not too late for us to turn the situation around. We can all take charge and tap into the potential of our country and its people for all of us to build a vibrant and prosperous nation,”


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