The private sector has to invest

Mantashe indicated that unemployment was not only affecting people of KaNyamazane and Pienaar, but is a country-wide problem.

DAANTJIE – You can tell by the atmosphere in our communities that the national general election day, which is May 7, is around the corner as politicians are using every opportunity to urge people to vote for them.

On Tuesday, the secretary general of the ANC, Mr Gwede Mantashe conducted a door-to-door campaign in various streets where he noticed that most of the roads are not in good condition. “Most of the roads in rural areas are not in a good condition and such areas must be developed to better the lives of our people,” he said. Lack of job opportunities is the biggest challenge that needs serious attention.

Mantashe indicated that unemployment was not only affecting people of KaNyamazane and Pienaar, but is a country-wide problem. “Unemployment, inequality and poverty is still a problem. In our manifesto we dedicated a lot of information on how we are going to deal with such matters.

We have laid a complaint to the private sector that over the period of five years, only government has shown investment. The private sector is not investing anything, that is why in most cases you find people fighting for jobs in municipalities, not bearing in mind that the local municipalities can’t absorb all of them. That is why we want the private sector to come on board to address the issues of unemployment,” he concluded.

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