Members welcomed back

Moela, the youth league provincial chairperson, urged the youth to go out in numbers on May 7 and defend their hard-earned democracy.

MBOMBELA – The ANC welcomed 352 members who had defected earlier to the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), back into their ranks.

The ANC provincial and regional leadership led by women’s league chairperson, Ms Letta Shongwe, the regional deputy chairperson, Mr Nathanial Mashile, youth league’s chairperson, Mr Desmond Moela and MPL Mr Jabu Mahlangu, paraded their new recruits during an election campaign held at Mataffin over the past weekend.

Mashile, the regional deputy chairperson, mentioned Mr Vava Malandule who had also earlier defected to the EFF but returned to the ANC, as being instrumental in the process of luring back their supporters that broke away with Mr Julius Malema when he formed his party.

“When we welcomed Malandule back to the ANC, he committed to recruit more members including those that had left and new ones from other political parties. He is not the only one working behind the scenes trying to get more people to support the ANC. There are many other comrades too.

“I can assure you that we are ready for the elections and we are going to claim a landslide victory,” said Mashile.

Moela, the youth league provincial chairperson, urged the youth to go out in numbers on May 7 and defend their hard-earned democracy.

“The members we welcome today prove beyond reasonable doubt that the ANC is home for everyone and that the majority of our people still believe in the party. They know that together we will take this province and country to even greater heights.

“I would also like to plead with the young people to take their positions and defend

the leaders such as president Mr Jacob Zuma and chairperson Mr David Mabuza. They were democratically elected by the ANC members and therefore let us not allow people from outside to come and tell us that our leaders are not good enough. If they want to have a say with the ANC matters, they must come and join the party and talk about it inside the ANC,” said Moela.

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