Pastor angered by cellphone scam

The man of the cloth said it all started when an unidentified person called him on Sunday morning, hurling all sorts of insults at him for no apparent reason.

DAANTJIE – An irate pastor said he could not comprehend how people could do evil in order to accumulate money for their selfish needs.

Past Jeremiah Mabunda of Alliance Church was disturbed by a perpetrator who had hacked his cellphone number and sent messages to his contacts, mostly church members, asking for money and airtime.

The man of the cloth said it all started when an unidentified person called him on Sunday morning, hurling all sorts of insults at him for no apparent reason.

He said he then switched off his phone and suspects that was when the caller did a SIM swap.

Mabunda was surprised when he received a call on his other line from a church member who told him she would deposit the money.

Read more in today’s print edition.

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