Facelift for damaged school

The education department worked hand in hand with public works to fix the school to the tune of R2,2 million.

MATSULU – Teaching and learning under trees, where pupils were easily disturbed by passers-by, is now something of the past for more than 300 learners of Phumalanga Primary School, the roof of which was blown off by a storm last year.

The education department worked hand in hand with public works to fix the school to the tune of R2,2 million.

“From today you are going back to your classrooms to learn, as it was before the storm. Take your school work very seriously and do your homework. We are expecting good matric results from the school’s grade- seven class in 2020,” said the MEC for education, Ms Reginah Mhaule, addressing the learners on Monday.

Read more in today’s print edition.


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