Hospital staff accused of stealing food

The question is: how do they manage to go through security guards at the entrance.

MBOMBELA – Some patients at Rob Ferreira hospital have alleged that they are starving because certain staff members steal food from the kitchen.

One of the patients, who didn’t want his name to be revealed, said: “We are not getting enough food, not because the government or the service providers are failing, it’s because of the corruption that is happening within the hospital.

Some of the nurses, laundry and kichen staff, allegedly steal the food for their families when they knock off. This results in some patients ending up starving.

“When you ask for some more, they just tell you that the food is finished. they also say patients must learn to appreciate what they are getting because they are not paying a cent.

The question is: how do they manage to go through security guards at the entrance,“ asked the patient.

Read more on Thursday’s print edition of Mpumalanga News.

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