Rapist to rot in jail

Khumalo was sentenced to 22 life sentences for the 21 charges of rape, one life sentence for murder, 170 years for the 17 charges of kidnappings and 75 years for the charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances

SECUNDA – A 33 year-old notorious rapists accused with a series of rapes, kidnappings, attempted rape and murder will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

The accused person Bheki Khumalo was sentenced to 22 life sentences for the 21 charges of rape, one life sentence forthe murder charge , 170 years for the 17 charges of kidnappings and 75 years for the charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances by the Secunda Regional Court on April 7.

Khumalo was initially charged with 28 charges of rape, 21 of kidnapping, six charges of robbery, and attempted rape and murder, which he committed around Secunda between 2003 and 2010.The court heard that Khumalo would lure his victims under false pretence by promising them interviews for lucrative jobs or accusing them of having stolen money from a child he had sent to the shop. Khumalo found some of the victims with their boyfriends in the bushes, he would bang the driver’s window and violently shout accusations of trespassing. The men would then run for their lives, leaving the women helplessly in the hands of Khumalo who in turn threatened them with a panga and raped them. He further targeted women who were fetching woods in the bushes. His victims that the state knows about were aged between 12 and 60.

It was also confirmed by the court through evidence led by the state prosecutor, Tracy Keenhoran that Khumalo also stole cellphones, cash, jewellery, jeans and shoes but ignored larger items like laptops and cars belonging to his victims.

Magistrate Victor Ball commended the investigation done by the police and told the community of Embalenhle that they will get justice.

“We cannot forget that the fight against crime is ongoing and it is a hill after a hill to climb. You were a sexual predator that terrorized the community until your arrest in 2011. It is evident that such offences have long lasting effect in memories of victims. You have stolen many of minors’ virginity and dignity of adults that you raped”, said Magistrate Ball.

When passing sentence, the Magistrate said he does not find any compelling circumstances to deviate from sentences passed by other courts and sentenced Khumalo as follows

Provincila commissioner Lt gen Thulani Ntobela expressed his appreciation for the sentence ; “We welcome the sentence which will serve as the last chapter for Khumalo. Other potential criminals should learn from Khumalo that crime does not pay,” said the Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Thulani Ntobela.







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