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Roads continue to be a nightmare for residents

The residents continue to plead for swift action by Mbombela Municipality to repair the horrendous roads which get worse by the day, especially with the heavy rain, and posing danger to humans and their properties as well as the environment.

MSHOLOZI – Roads in this area continues to be a nightmare to the community.

The residents continue to plead for swift action by Mbombela Municipality to repair the horrendous roads which get worse by the day, especially with the heavy rain, and posing danger to humans and their properties as well as the environment.

This week (March 17) passengers from the sections A, C and D were left stranded as they were compelled to walk long distances to get transport from elsewhere. The majority of taxi drivers told this newspaper that they were willing to take passengers to and from their destinations, but the road posed a danger to both their vehicles and the passengers. They even suggested that if the municipality would fill up the roads with gravel soil and level it, conditions would be much improved.

Residents of the area also voiced their concern over the grading and poor maintenance of the road. They claim that it had not been regravelled for a long time.

“We are surprised at how the municipality works, because each time a caterpillar or grader comes in to do the roads, it gravels only the one to Phumlani section and always leaves the main road Msholozi A, C and D untouched,” said Mr Donald Motha.

This newspaper recently published an article about the community taking service delivery into their own hands and attempting to fix the road, however, its seems they were fighting a losing battle as it continues to be eroded by running water, creating huge dongas.

By then the area’s councillor, Cllr Kenneth Mkhonto said he was aware of the issue and others that concern the community and promised that a grader would soon be sent to the those sections.

This week Mbombela’s spokesman, Mr Joseph Ngala said the rain made it difficult to work on the road he requested a media inquiry to be emailed to him on this matter. However, at the time of going to print, his response had not yet been received.

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