Life Lost due to illegal connections

According to an eyewitness, the man was allegedly changing electrical wires after he had disconnected them.

KABOKWENI – Not long after the residents of the Mtumeni informal settlement had complained about the dangers of illegal electricity connections also called izinyokanyoka, it claimed the life of a 42-year-old man. The victim was electrocuted while members of the community watched in horror.

According to an eyewitness, the man was allegedly changing electrical wires after he had disconnected them.

One of the wires he touched apparently burnt and as he was trying to retrieve his cellphone which had fallen in the water, he was electrocuted. This publication also learnt that this is the third such incident. Two men from Thembelihle, another informal settlement near Mtumeni, were also killed by izinyokanyoka.

The local police station confirmed the incident and spokesperson Capt Shelly Ngomane said, “When we arrived on the scene, he was already dead. We always advise community members not to use illegal connections. We understand that electricity is one of the services needed by people, but they must not get it illegally,” she said.

Speaking to Mpumalanga News,

Cllr Stanley Nobela, said it was very sad to hear that someone had lost his life. “I’d like to send my condolences to the family of the deceased and urge our people not to use the illegal connections. I visited Eskom today and the process to install electricity is continuing. We are just waiting to start in the new financial year. Previously the company indicated it was experiencing a problem with capacity, but the matter has now been resolved. Come the new financial year, the project will be rolled out,” he said.

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