
Committee welcomes IEC readness

Furthermore, the Committee notes that the IEC has improved its information and technology systems in order to safeguard the results of the elections and ensure transparency.

The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs has welcomed the assurance from the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) that it is ready to deliver another free and fair election.On Tuesday, the committee received a detailed briefing of the work undertaken by the IEC to deliver on its mandate.

“The committee is satisfied that the IEC is well prepared for the elections and that South Africa is election-ready. The legitimacy of the election process and our democracy is, to a large degree, in your hands and we know that you are aware of your huge responsibility. We are confident that we will have another sterling example of free and fair elections, especially as we celebrate 20 years of our democracy,” said stand-in chairperson of the committee, Advocate André Gaum.

He added that the committee is also pleased that through a number of publicity initiatives, such as the two registration weekends, the IEC has registered about 80.8 per cent of the voting-age population. This means that over 25 million voters appear on the voters’ roll and are eligible to vote.

“This proves to the committee that the majority of South Africans take the responsibility of voting, given to them by the constitution, seriously,” Gaum emphasised.

“Furthermore, we are extremely excited for young voters who took the opportunity to register. We hope they enjoy casting their first vote.”

The committee also emphasised the vital role of the media in providing a platform for a free and fair election by ensuring fair coverage for all political parties. To this end, the committee welcomes the fact that the IEC has made provision for media and political parties to access the IEC systems to view scanned result slips online. This will help ensure transparency.

Furthermore, the Committee notes that the IEC has improved its information and technology systems in order to safeguard the results of the elections and ensure transparency.

The Committee wishes the people of South Africa well as they prepare to cast their vote, and calls for mutual respect for each other and for the Constitution as a means of assisting in ensuring that these elections are held in a pleasant atmosphere. “Free and fair elections will be the best celebration of 20 years of democracy in South Africa,” Adv Gaum concluded.

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