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Ready to motivate disabled people

Gobello said that although she didn't have the opportunity to further her studies, she was ready to become a motivational speaker to teach people about her disability.

WHITE RIVER – A disabled woman is fighting against all odds to attain her ambition – to be a prolific motivational speaker. This is the story of Ms Khensani Gobello, 24, who hails from Hillsview and has this to say, “People living with disabilities are still struggling to feel free and be accepted by communities for what they really are.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been struggling and it was worse at school as some of my teachers called me a stupid girl. It used to hurt a lot,” she said.

The whole drama started when she was in grade three at Victory Park Primary School after one of her teachers noticed that something was wrong with her. She was diagnosed with dyslexia, which meant that she couldn’t read and write.

“I was hoping that after my matric, I would further my studies at university and become a social worker, but all those dreams vanished as I didn’t even manage to get to grade 12.

“There were no suitable schools to accommodate me and my condition. I went to a number of special ones but they couldn’t accommodate us up to matric, which meant that I dropped out of school in grade 10. I know that I’m not the only one who’s facing this challenge,” she explained.

Gobello said that although she didn’t have the opportunity to further her studies, she was ready to become a motivational speaker to teach people about her disability.

“What I want to do, is not only about me, but about all disabled people. Even now, I can’t fill in forms because I can’t read or write. If we could have our own special schools, we could achieve all our goals.

We could become better people in society because sometimes those who are living with disabilities end up not believing in themselves. That really impacts badly on their will to succeed in life,” she concluded.

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