Dilapidated state of parks attract many criminals

Themba Nkosi said he couldn't take his family out for a picnic because of the bad state the parks were in.

KANYAMAZANE – Are recreational facilities such as parks serving their purpose in communities?

Is the lack thereof the cause of social ills committed by the youth, or are they just potential places for criminals to prey on their victims?

These questions follow a recent visit by Mpumalanga News to the only recreational park in the area, which is in a dilapidated state and is known to be a hub for criminals and a meeting place for drug users.

Solomon Senabela, a resident who stays opposite the park, told this publication that due to the lack of maintenance the facility has attracted a lot of criminal elements in the area.

“Most people get robbed on their way to work and some of the youngsters go there to do drugs,” said Senabela.

Another resident, Themba Nkosi said he couldn’t take his family out for a picnic because of the bad state the parks were in.

“If I want to take my family out for a picnic we have to take a taxi to the Lowveld botanical garden, because even the parks in town are hardly maintained,” said Nkosi.

Spokesperson for Mbombela, Joseph Ngala had not responded at the time of going to press.

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