Moela to lead the young lions

Moela was elected during a two-day conference held during the weekend.

SECUNDA – It is now final, reputed young lion, Mr Desmond Moela is the new chairman of the provincial Ancyl. This is after two years since it has disbanded all youth structures nationally.

Moela was elected during a two-day conference held during the weekend. He heads the provincial executive committee which comprises Hendrik Kabini as deputy chairman, Sasekani Manzini as secretary, Vusi Mkhatshwa as deputy secretary, Dineo Litau as treasurer and 20 additional members. In his acceptance speech, Moela said, “As the provincial leadership of the youth, we will ensure that we adhere to the policies and norms of the ANC. The youth will lead the struggle for economic emancipation. It must, however, be noted, that Ancyl is a product of a historical period and was formed to reinforce and support the party. Together with the ANC, the youth league developed and reinforced the non-racial principle as a guide to its composition for its everyday practices,” he said.

The keynote speaker was none other than the ANC’s provincial chairman, Mr David Mabuza, described by the provincial secretary, Mr Lucky Ndinisa as “an experienced former youth leader who also contributed to the former SA Youth Congress”. Mabuza expressed his joy in the revival of the Ancyl which “had been through tough times because of the greed and arrogance of people who thought they could just come and destroy an organisation which was formed some 70 years ago”.

Mabuza’s speech touched on the nature of the league’s cadre, stating that vibrancy and engaging do not translate to arrogance and disrespect. He pointed out the need for young people to understand the league and its functions, and reminded them that it is an integral part of the ANC and its main function is to support its objectives. On the newly elected leadership, Mabuza compared the past generation with the new one that is emerging and cited qualities of the type of leader that is needed; one who will postpone pleasure, be ready to make sacrifices for the people, has commitment, discipline, focus and a leader who will plan.

Again, Mandela’s spirit was used as a frame of reference and his selflessness, tireless efforts, discipline and dedication were commended, and young people were encouraged to emulate this struggle icon and many others like him.

Mabuza further warned the new leadership of the enemy that is waiting to disrupt, and advised that unity and respect are the key qualities that will ensure growth and victory.

He discouraged the element of laziness in young people. “Discipline can make or break you. How you speak or appear to people will determine how far you will go in this life,” he pointed out. He lambasted those who think that money can solve their problems. “I know that all of you here want money. Nithanda imali. You think money is everything. Let me tell you, people who have money are arrogant, they have no respect.

The thing is that if it lands in the hands of a non-revolutionary, it becomes dangerous.” He also acknowledged the fact that there were still challenges, such as unemployment and inequality and encouraged them not to abandon their struggle.

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