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Full article: Hippo tries to hide when attacked by hungry villagers

A hippo suffered a five hour ordeal at te hands of hungry villagers this past weekend.

BOURKE’S LUCK – A hippopotamus cow was stoned and chased by villagers who wanted to kill her for meat on Sunday at 05:00. She was spotted grazing close to Dientjie settlement and chased into the village. After being trapped in the village for five hours, she was considered a danger by the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) and had to be ethuthanased.

According to reports of the local police station as well as the MTPA, a group of villagers threw rocks at the animal. More people joined in the effort to to kill the hippo. Some brandished pangas but it could not be confirmed if she was struck.

In her attempt to escape the crowd, the animal trampled a man who was admitted to the nearby Mathibidi Hospital.

The local police were alerted and contacted the Lowveld SPCA who in turn called the MTPA.

At some point during the morning, the animal was shot at and wounded by police officials.

When the MTPA arrived on the scene, the hippo had tried to hide from villagers by sticking her head under a bush.

The crowd surrounded the wounded animal.

According to the MTPA, there was no alternative but to kill her. “It was a life-threatening situation,” a MTPA official said.

The hippo’s ordeal came to an end at 10:00 when she was shot.

The carcass was given to the community leaders.

The MTPA official told Lowvelder this was a classic case of an animal feeling threatened by a group of humans. “Hippo attacks usually occur when people enter rivers or dams or walk through orchards late at night,” he explained.

There have been six incidents involving hippos and humans in the last eight months in the Lowveld area, with one human fatality. Four accidents in which vehicles crashed into hippos occurred within the last few months.

The condition of the Dinky resident who was injured could not be given by the Mpumalanga Department of Health at the time of going to print.

A photo of the hippo sent to Mpumalanga News via BBM from a community member.
A photo of the hippo sent to Mpumalanga News via BBM from a community member.

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