Abandoned baby , mother appears in court

Mother who apparently abandoned her baby before christmas, appeared in court

A woman who abandoned her baby at a railway line just before Christmas, briefly appeared in the district court on Monday. The case was postponed to February 7 pending a social worker’s report regarding the mother’s circumstances. The baby remains in foster care.

The 15-day-old infant, Casey which means ”warrior” in Gaelic, would have been dead if it were not for a miraculous chain of events. She was found near a railway track on December 5. A woman was seen apparently trying to kill her one-day-old baby girl in the White River industrial area. She placed her in a plastic bag and left her on the railway line. Security guards who saw the incident heard the baby crying and called the police who then contacted the social workers of Child Welfare SA White River.

The mother was arrested, appeared in court and was released on bail. The infant was removed by the social worker and admitted to Rob Ferreira Hospital for a medical examination. After treatment, she was discharged on December 6 and placed in temporary safe care. As she was still a newborn, she had no name. Her temporary foster family named her Casey. The social workers of Child Welfare SA White River were investigating the possibility of placing the baby with family members.

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Baby abandoned before  Xmas

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