
Former DA leader joins COPE

Wyngaard said that the he(Liebenburg) has joined COPE to drive the process of building a strong, viable opposition.

Former DA leader, Chris Liebenburg has parted ways with the party to join forces with COPE.

According to COPE’s Northen Cape chairperson, Mr Fred Wyngaard, Liebenburg took the step after the two parties met in October to discuss the possibility of a coalition government in the the province.

Wyngaard said that the he(Liebenburg) has joined COPE to drive the process of building a strong, viable opposition.

“He brings experience and expertise, especially in the field of elections and fundraising, which will be a great asset to COPE. He has served as a member of the provincial legislature for 16 years, including as an MEC for Transport and an active member of various portfolio committees, including Health, Social Welfare and Economic Affairs.” added Wyngaard.

He also explained that Liebenberg has also signed a declaration of availability to serve in the structures of the party, be it in the executive committee or in the Legislature.

“Our list processes will begin next week, after we have received the final communication from the national structures. It is a democratic process whereby delegates vote and the results of the vote are scrutinised by the 10 members of the college, which will then determine that the names on the party list reflect the names of members in good standing,” he continued.

Liebenburg said:

“Since I left the DA, I was convinced that COPE is the party to go with. I see a rainbow nation party in COPE. The provincial, as well as national, leadership of this party has the ability to take us forward and to build a rainbow nation, in real terms. The building of the nation has been the nucleus of all my speeches in the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature; it is an issue about which I feel very strongly. Without nation-building, we have no future.”



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