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Lihawu residents frustrated by unresolved water crisis

Residents of Lehau took to the streets on Sunday in a bid to voice their concerns due to the lack of water in that community.

LIHAWU – Residents in the area took to the streets on Sunday in a bid to voice their concerns due to the lack of water in that community. And when Lowveld Media journalists arrived at that community only a small rabble could be seen on the side of the road which served as a reminder of the previous day’s strike by community members.

One of the residents that this publication spoke to, Mr Paul Tibane, residents started protesting after officials from Sembcorp-Silulumanzi cut off water at 12:00 midday instead of the agreed time which was 17:00 to enable every household to get water.

“They did however supply the community with water at about 18:00 after we embarked on a protest amid cutting of water at noon.” He added that their ordeal started after they realised that one section of the community was receiving water however the where he lives did not water. As a result community members decided to embark on a protest.

“We last had water in December 2013 and together as a community we approached the local councillor in our ward including officials from Sembcorp who then promised that they will provide water for us but that hasn’t been happening. Instead we had to ask for water from our neighbours that have been provided with water,” said Tibane.

“Our councillor doesn’t have a problem because she is able to call cars to supply him with water while we have to suffer.”

Ms Nonhlanhla Sibanyoni, another residents said that she does receive water but it depends on which part of the community had been provided with water on the day.

“If they are supplying the upper part of the community I am able to get water than when they have opened it for the lower part of the community.” When Lowveld Media journalists left the scene community members had still not been provided with water since the previous day.

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