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Angel gets death threats

This came shortly after an article was published by Mpumalanga News in November, stating the challenges she had been faced with from having the centre's water supply cut off by Sembcorp Silulumanzi.

MSOGWABA – The founder of Yehla Ngelosi, Guardian Angel Ms Helen Ndinisa alleges that she has been a victim of death threats from some members of the local municipality, allegedly on instructions from Mr Mzwakhe Mbuli, an acting councillor of Ward 21.

This came shortly after an article was published by Mpumalanga News in November, stating the challenges she had been faced with from having the centre’s water supply cut off by Sembcorp Silulumanzi.

“Mbuli called me to ask if I had seen the article in the paper and then said I made things worse, because now I would most definitely not get any water.

“He then asked if I knew that this would cost me my life because I was putting him to shame in public,” said Ndinisa.

After receiving a phone call from Mbuli, she alleges that on three separate occasions a few of the kids under the age of 15, who she takes care of at the centre, were threatened at gunpoint by unknown men, stating such as scare tactics to make her stop publicising what he wants to keep private.

“I do not understand why I am being attacked this way when all I am doing, is serving my community with the little that I have.

“Mbuli is involving me in political issues I don’t know of and he is trying to force me to affiliate myself with the ANC,” she continued.

“Instead of offering to assist me in the community service I do, I am receiving threatening calls.” Mpumalanga News tried contacting Mbuli for comment, but he could not be reached at the time of going to press.

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