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Outrage over stands sold illegally

It is alleged that the stands were sold by two people who were supposedly working with the ward councilor of the area.

KABOKWENI – Residents of the new stands near Mielieland voiced their anger over the confusion between the municipality and local tribal authorities, with the new stands that were provided.

This has brought hatred among these residents who said they paid R3 000 each, two years ago, to get the stands from people who claimed to be from Mbombela Local Municipality. According to Muzi Magagula, who was a desperate person by that time, said its been three years and no difference has been made despite the councillor’s promises that she will deliver services accordingly, and that she will issue permits as soon as possible.

It is alleged that the stands were sold by two people who were supposedly working with the ward councillor of the area. “We have been lied to by the people who have been using Mbombela municipality’s name to rob us. We are patiently waiting as we have paid for the stands,” he said. Meetings have been called but they are not making any difference because the people have no access to good sanitation, clean water or electricity.

“We are forced to use illegal electricity connections because we don’t receive any support.

When we ask the councillor, she tells us that we are staying here illegally, but we paid money to stay here,” said Magagula. Six months ago they received letters from a woman who called herself Lorraine Monyeki who allegedly claimed to be a representative from Mbombela relating to the matter of the land allocated to them illegally.

Meanwhile Mpumalanga News learnt that the Gutjwa (Khumalo) and Clau-Clau (Mbuyane) tribal authority allegedly sent people to collect money from the residents of this new settlement as Sunday Mianga went on and said, “Sometimes the representatives from both tribal authorities demand R700 or R550 from us and they are giving us sleepless nights since we don’t have money because we have spent a lot of money to build our houses, so where are we going to get the money at this stage?” he asked.

He added that some of the stands are being sold thrice to different people and it led people to fight.

“We will be very glad if they are able to clarify things for us because we are not going anywhere, until they tell us what is really happening,” said Magagula.

Not so long ago the provincial chairperson of the house of traditional leaders, Kgoshi Lameck Mokoena was previously quoted by this publication indicating that those who will be found on the wrong side of the law, will face the music.

“We have noticed that there are people who are selling stands illegally in other municipalities. We have learnt that some of them pretend to be delegates from tribal authorities while other pretend to be kings, This is totally wrong.

This is daylight robbery because our people give those culprits money while they know that what they are doing is wrong and we are not going to play hide and seek. We are going to act harshly as we reached an agreement with the SAPS,” he said.

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