Employees dismissed after handing in list of grievances

They told Mpumalanga News that they don't belong to any worker's union because the company allegedly refused unions to talk to them.

MBOMBELA – Losing a job this time of the year is a nightmare. Seven employees of Telo Communications (Laduma Group) in Rocky Drift have recently been dismissed.

The staff members, previously employed on a temporary basis as call-centre agents and data capturers, were dismissed on November 29 almost a month after they had handed in a list of demands to management.

“We wanted the company to employ us on a permanent basis since we had been working as temporary workers for more than six months,” they said.

They told Mpumalanga News that their agreement with the company was that they be hired on a permanent basis after three months of service and salaries be increased.

The workers were hired last September.

According to them the advert stated that they would be paid R5 000 and commission, which never happened. They alleged that they were only paid R2 500 and only received their commission after fights.

In their letter of grievances, which were addressed to Ms Stephanie Snyman, the head of human resources of Laduma Group, the main issue of concern was the time frame on how long an employee must be on an independent contract, as well as date of staff payment because it changed from time to time.

The employees also wanted the company to explain why it deducted R100 each time a worker was absent even if he or she brought a doctor’s note.

They wanted clarification on whether they belonged to Laduma or Telo Communications, as well as yearly increments. They further stated that they refused to sign a fixed contract because they all wanted to be permanent employees.

They told Mpumalanga News that they don’t belong to any worker’s union because the company allegedly refused unions to talk to them.

“We were surprised when R25 was deducted from our salaries and the HR claimed it was for the union, but upon enquiring with the said union, we found that it was all lies and she paid back our money,” they said.

The matter had been reported to the department of labour and Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, where they were they told to check their case number next February.

They currently need legal help and employment (data capturers and call-centre agents) for assistance. Call Chantelle Robinson on

073-285-2210 or Thulisile Lekhuleni

on 073-070-6287.

The companies noticed of termination of the workers independent contract reads as follows, “In terms of your independent contract, we hereby wish to inform you that your contract will expire on 30/11/2013 due to completion of project and no other work is available.

“Your information will be kept on our database and you will be informed if and when we receive new projects.

“The company will pay a separation package of two weeks.”

When calling the company on Tuesday Ms Stephnie Synman confirmed that the employees were fired and when asked why, she said, “This is not something to talk about on the telephone. You can come to the office and we can set up a meeting,”.

When told that the journalist was on deadline she persistently denied to give her reasons over the phone and hung up.

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