EDM’s fourth clean audit

EDM went on to attain clean during the 2010/11, 2011/12 financial years, respectively.

MBOMBELA – Ehlanzeni District Municipality (EDM) has attained a clean audit for the 2012/13 financial year which is its fourth consecutive one.

This follows after their first attainment during the 2009/2010 financial year – which they accomplished within the first year of National Government setting a 2014 target for all municipalities to attain clean audits.

EDM went on to attain clean during the 2010/11, 2011/12 financial years, respectively.

This is the result of unified leadership within this institution.

According to the Auditor General’s report dated November 30, “In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality as at 30 June 2013 and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with SA Standards of GRAP and the requirements of the MFMA and DoRA.

“I performed procedures to obtain evidence that the entity has complied with applicable laws and regulations regarding financial matters, financial management and other related matters. I did not identify any instances of material non-compliance with specific matters in key applicable laws and regulations as set out in the general notice issued in terms of the PAA.

Responding to the good news, executive mayor, Cllr Letta Shongwe said: “We will stick to our new record, by attaining clean audits as long as we are at the helm of this municipality. I must thank the management team for their relentless efforts that made it all possible. All of this will be enhanced if we also give support to our local municipalities, as they are key to our continued success. As it is, our senior managers are deployed to local municipalities, working hands-on to improve their performance systems,” she continued.

According to the municipal manager, Adv Hugh Mbatha, “The only reason for achieving this again was because we made a commitment to the public that we would work hard to sustain this.

“As we’ve worked twice as hard this financial year, we’re sure to put in even more effort to obtain it again. It is not a one-man show, but a team effort. It has not been easy, as there have been a lot of challenges along the way,” he said.

Cllr Shongwe added, “I commend our CFO who, with the entire team, ensured we attained clean audits since taking over this seat. We hope to continue with this, but that will entail assisting the local municipalities, and eventually for all of us to get that commendable financial status.”

Reacting to the good news, CFO, Mr Wiseman Khumalo said, “I can attribute this success to the continued commitment displayed by both our political and administrative leaderships. We have worked very hard the entire financial year without using any consultants in discharging our duties and we all knew what had to be achieved. Secondly, the preparations were done well in advance during the year and we also had a pre-audit session with the entire management where the clean audit was the order of the day. I must commend our entire staff for their dedication, commitment and courage in making sure that the clean audit is sustained,” he said.





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