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Elders losing patience in land claims

After months of being told that they will receive their rightful payouts soon, they are still waiting for that day to come.

KANYAMAZANE – The stalling by the Department of Land Affairs continues.   The elderly of Old Mbombela are losing patience with how their land claims are being dealt with by the department.

After months of being told that they will receive their rightful payouts soon, they are still waiting for that day to come.

The last meeting that was called was headed by MEC Violet Siwela who came down hard on her delegates for not delivering on what they were meant to for the elderly.

She promised that she will personally make sure that all procedures needed are done so the depart5ment can come and tell the people when they will receive their vouchers to go and collect moneys owed to them.

 “It seems that as usual we were given empty promises because two weeks ago we were called to another meeting and we went there thinking we will be getting our vouchers as to when to collect our money, but instead we were told that some people’s forms are not filled in correctly or do not qualify to receive any payouts.

“I personally did not see my own name on the list of people to be paid out as many did not either. Our patience is really wearing thin from all these empty promises given to us by Land Affairs,” said Mr Barnard Mashego, the leader of the committee chosen by the elderly. The next promised date of payout is set to be in December, now the wait continues and the elderly still ponder about the same question, will they actually get paid or not?

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