Listener accuses DJ of making fun of her

She said she regretted speaking to the radio presenter DJ Madumane.

MSOGWABA – “I have become the laughing stock of Pienaar after the interview I had on Ligwalagwala FM and it hurts me how Madumane can make fun of my sorrow. I hear him playing the live recording repeatedly on his show every morning and I hear them laugh. My neighbours are also making fun of me. Instead of helping me the radio station makes fun of me every day,” said a grandmother.

She said she regretted speaking to the radio presenter DJ Madumane. She went to him for advice after all her efforts to help her grandchild quit or get rehabilitated proved futile. Instead of receiving help, she hears recorded voice clips of her discussion with Madumane about her problem with the minor.

She continued, “I hear different people receive help with whatever problems they have. I am hurt and offended by the way he is tormenting me and my daughter. She thought I was going to get help but instead I brought embarrassing attention unknowingly and all I wanted was to get help and make other parents aware of this scourge of nyaope.”

Ligwalagwala FM has a project they call “Masakhane” and the aim is to help their listeners with problems they are challenged with, from building houses to getting sponsors to pay for students’ college tuition, but none of them were ridiculed by the station radio jocks until this case came to the fore.

The grandmother and guardian of the 14-year-old learner, who has turned from a quiet, good boy to a drug addict and is fast becoming a threat to himself and others, needs help. She asked to keep her identity private and is desperately asking for help. She wants to help her grandchild get rid off the addiction and all the harmful substances he uses. Nyaope is a drug that is destroying the province’s youth and numbers of youngsters using it has escalated because it is cheap and easy accescable in many communities.

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