Parents want principal back

The parents carried placards with messages like, "Silandze wena Nkosi bayakhala bantwabetfu,"

MSOGWABA – About 40 angry parents from Somcuba Primary School demonstrated outside Gedlembane Secondary School, demanding the primary school’s former principal’s return amid speculations of underperformance at Somcuba on Monday morning.

The parents carried placards with messages like, “Silandze wena Nkosi bayakhala bantwabetfu,” which simply means they were there to have Mr Mandla Nkosi return to his former school.

Another placard read, “Phuma Shilwane sifuna Nkhosi,” which means that the current principal should step down because they want Nkosi back in his position.

The principal in question, Nkosi, had been at Somcuba for the past eight years and had only joined Gedlembane in March.

The parents alleged that they were not informed of his transfer to the high school, “Not even a farewell function was held for him after spending all these years at Somcuba,” said one of the parents.

They further alleged that their children’s performances had dropped ever since Nkosi left and that the current principal, whom they speculate to be from KwaZulu-Natal, was mistreating their children and did not attend classes, spending his time in his office.

The Skhulile circuit manager, Mr Samuel Ngubeni and police from Pienaar rushed to the scene of the protest.

When they asked to speak to the leaders of the marchers, the attendees were quick to say, “We have no leaders, we are all just parents.

“We are just not happy about the department’s decision to transfer the principal from a primary school which is about 5km from here,” they said.

Ngubeni and the police were able to convince the parents to leave as it was time for matric exams.

A few of the protesters were taken to the station in an effort to discuss the situation further.

Mr Jasper Zwane, spokesperson for the department, said they were not aware of the matter but would investigate.

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