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Soccer team mourns the death of its director

Nhlebeya’s death left a huge gap as he was very talented.

PIENAAR – Academy FC which is under Mngwenya stream is covered with a dark cloud following the death of the team director the late Mr Fanikie Nhlebeya who passed on this week after a short illness.

Speaking to the newly appointed team manager Mr Sam Mnisi indicated that Nhlebeya’s death left a huge gab as he was very talented in soccer.

“We still don’t believe that he’s no more he left behind a huge gap in the promotion of sport development ,he was a people’s person and was always willing to help other people in the community, I believe that we are not the only ones who feel robbed.  The community at large is very disturbed following the death of our soccer legend, will miss him dearly may his soul rest in peace,” said Mnisi.


His memorial service will be held on Thursday at Kamhlabane church in Daantjie and his funeral service will be on Saturday at Nkomeni sports ground.

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