Family demands answers for loved one’s mystery death

Speaking on behalf of the family, Mr Griffith Khoza told Mpumalanga News that the family did not believe that Constance Khoza could have done such a cruel thing to herself.

BUSHBUCKRIDGE – The family of a woman who apparently committed suicide by chopping herself using an axe, has expressed anger on allegations that their loved one has taken her own life.

Speaking on behalf of the family, Mr Griffith Khoza told Mpumalanga News that the family did not believe that Constance Khoza could have done such a cruel thing to herself.

“No woman in her sane mind can chop herself more than once and we suspect foul play,” he said.

Khoza said that the explanation the family heard from the deceased’s sister-in-law did not make sense and had raised many questions.

She told them that on the day of the incident, she was alerted by the diseased’s seven-year-old daughter that she had seen her mother chopping herself.

According to the sister-in-law, the young girl had told her that she heard sounds and when she went to investigate, she found her mother chopping herself with an axe in her bedroom. She then locked the door and went to call her aunt for help.

“Everything she has told us does not make sense and we suspect that someone had a hand in this gruesome act. My sister was found in the passage and there was no sign that the incident had taken place in the bedroom, not even a drop of blood! The police must investigate and find the people responsible,” said the heartbroken Khoza.

Last week, this paper reported that the deceased was 32 years old and that she had forced her baby to drink acid before killing herself. Khoza has confirmed that the deceased was actually 42 years old and the two-year-old child did not die, but is being treated at Themba hospital.

“It appeared as if they were both given acid, but the child did not die. It appeared that the acid was just smeared around their lips,” confirmed Khoza.

He added that the husband could not have been involved in the incident as he was in Gauteng at the time.

“We have never heard of any quarrel between my brother-in-law and my sister. This has angered us to a point where we ended up taking our beloved and buried her, whereas, she was supposed to be buried by her husband,” he concluded.

The deceased was buried at her parents’ home at Ireagh B on Saturday. Mpumalanga police spokesman, LtCol Leonard Hlathi said that foul play was suspected and that an inquest docket had been opened.

“We do not have suspects at the moment but we are investigating. It is quiet a strange way to commit suicide and it raises questions,” said Hlathi.

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