Artisan training facilities the start of great things

Chieta opened its new facilities at Kanyamazane FET College to enhance artisan training skills.

KANYAMAZANE – In a bid to bring artisan training facilities closer to FET students in the Ehlanzeni district, the Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (Chieta) recently opened its fourth office at the KaNyamazane FET Campus.



Other similar offices had been opened at the Nelspruit Campus in October 2012, the Barberton Campus on May 22, the Mthiba Campus on July 31.


A fifth will be opened at the Mapulaneng Campus on September 20.

“Our success as Chieta depends on strategic partnerships, collaborations and proactive leadership.


“The National Artisans Skills Competition is another feather in our cap as it has raised awareness on skills shortages and the need for 35 000 qualified artisans in the country,” explained Chieta’s skills development facilitator, Mr Edward Nxangani.

Apart from building the five facilities in the province, the organisation had also trained more than 40 lecturers as moderators and assessors in line with the company’s aim to accredit colleges on Chieta and other Seta programmes.

“There are more than 50 interns working at the college and companies around Ehlanzeni for Chieta which are all benefiting from the sponsored internship. Six graduates have received 18-month internships from Chieta to manage offices at various campuses. More than 100 lecturers are in the process of being registered with various Setas as assessors and moderators through Chieta-funded initiatives,” said Nxangani.

The opening of the offices in KaNyamazane was also attended by the CEO of Ehlanzeni FET Dr Simon Mlangeni, who expressed his gratitude for the relationship between FETs and Chieta.

“We are proud to be associated with Chieta which is sponsoring the college at a cost of R1,8 million meant for skills programmes,” he said.

“This is a conditional grant, as it has regulations on how it should be managed and will benefit deserving students,” he said.

Speaker after speaker urged the students to be the best they could be in their studies to have a bright future.

The students were also urged to be aware that the choices they make could decide their future.

“The choice you make must always be a wise one that will lead you to a perfect life,” a speaker said.


“The campus’s president, Ms Portia Nyarenda, thanked the Chieta representatives for the presentation and urged students to utilise the facility in the proper way.

“Let’s make sure we utilise this office as much as we can so as to enhance and develop our skills,” she said.

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