Is no one safe in today’s society?

Although many women found that the topic was too delicate to discuss, Lowvelder discovered that men were generally outraged by the tendency of paedophilia in society.

NELSPRUIT – Local and international news has recently been filled with events regarding the molestation or rape of children.

Lowvelder approached residents at the Tarentaal Centre to hear whether they felt they could protect themselves or their loved ones and what they felt the correct sentencing should be for sexual offences.

Seeing as it is such a sensitive matter, many residents chose to air their opinions without exposing their identities.

“I was a victim of sexual abuse when I was younger and it took me 15 years to make peace with what had happened. Initially, my parents didn’t believe me when I told them and to this day, whenever I see someone with a similar build to that person, I

go cold.

“I don’t think there is any way to protect yourself from paedophiles if our law system cannot even do it. Just the other day, we read about a man that was found guilty of molesting children, yet he was given a suspended sentence.

“How does that protect us?” said one woman.

A man added that he believed paedophiles took away children’s right to healthy, happy lives and therefore they should be sentenced to death. “A life for a life,” was his statement.

Although many women found that the topic was too delicate to discuss, Lowvelder discovered that men were generally outraged by the tendency of paedophilia in society. “In eastern countries your hand is chopped off for stealing. Why can’t we have these sexual predators’ genitals removed?” one man wanted to know.

Another was very upset by this topic and merely said, “By molesting or raping a person – or even worse, a child – that person’s human rights are violated. Why is the law protecting these monsters?”


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