
Department wishes learners the best during supplementary exams

The Department of education sends its warm well wishes to all the learners writing their supplementary exams from February 22.

MBOMBELA – The exams started with the learners writing their Computer Applications and non-official languages (Hindu, Spanish, and Greek etc.)

“All systems are in place for the smooth running of the examinations and so far no incident has been reported to the Department. We also urge all candidates to exert themselves vigorously during the three-week period of the examinations,” says MEC Reginah Mhaule.

She also called upon the communities to give learners their unwavering support during this time.

The department also encourages schools to help learners during the period of the supplementary examinations and beyond as they will require guidance when combining their subjects after receiving their results.

The learners are also urged to take advantage of the radio lessons arranged as follows;
Ligwalagwala FM : Tuesdays and Wednesday from 17H30 – 18H00
Ikwekwezi FM : Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15H15 – 15H45
Also read: 7 steps to pass your matric exams

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