Local school obtains top music accolade

Sikhutsele primary school is one of the schools in the province who made headlines in the country after receiving numerous awards in the national school music competition.

BARBERTON – Music is known as an activity that is able to comfort and send messages in a good way to people.

Sikhutsele primary school is one of the schools in the province who made headlines in the country after receiving numerous awards in the national school music competition as Mpumalanga News learnt that this school scooped an award after one of the learners by the name of Lindelwa Masuku obtained second position in the category: First contender Senior phase Mezzo Soprano Concert Solo.

Speaking to the school principal, Mr David Mathabela said: “We have music as an extramural activity and our learners are showing interest and they are excelling as some of them also went further to represent our province in national competitions.”

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