Bogus lawyer found guilty for Road Accident Fund fraud

It is alleged that the accused claimed from the Road Accident Fund on behalf of his clients and pocketed an amount of R400 000.

Wellington Buti Nkathi(58) was found guilty for theft and practicing as an attorney without a Fedelity Certificate.

He appeared in the Witbank Regional Court on Monday following his arrest in 2009 when he failed to renew his certificate which was revoked because of misconduct. It is alleged Nkathi claimed from the Road Accident Fund on behalf of his clients and pocketed an amount of R400 000.

READ: Hawks searching for suspect who fraudulently got away with R3 million

The accused was sentenced to two years in prison and suspended for four years on condition that the accused is not convicted of theft committed during the period of his suspension. He was also sentenced to four years in prison or to pay a R 2000 fine. If he fails to pay the fine, he will serve two months in prison.


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