Rapist to spend life behind bars

The rape incident took place in 2015 and the accused was sentenced on Tuesday, September 11.

A 23-year-old man was found guilty by the Mkobola Magistrate’s Court for raping his friend’s girlfriend. 

Mandla Amos Tau was sentenced to life imprisonment four years after the incident took place on July 6 in Kwaggafontein. 

The court heard that on that day, had slept over at her boyfriend’s place when she heard a knock on the door just after her boyfriend had left for work in the morning. 

When she opened, she realized it Tau who claimed he had been sent by her boyfriend to collect something. 

“ The accused went inside and pretended to be looking for something. He then took out a knife, pushed her into the bed and raped her.

 Soon after, Tau insisted that he would accompany her home to ensure that she does not inform anyone about the incident on her way, “ reads a statement from the police. 

A case was opened when the victim disclosed to her sister that she has been raped. Tau was arrested on the same day. 

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