Rapist gets 25 years imprisonment

The court heard how Samuel Zoo Kubhayi dragged the girl to the bushes and raped her before assaulting her.

A 29-year-old man was sentenced by the Siyabuswa Regional Court to 25 years imprisonment for raping a nine year old minor six years ago.

Read: Father gets life imprisonment for raping his children

The court heard how the accused dragged the girl who had been playing with her friends to the bushes and raped her on that fateful day, before assaulting her.

Kubhayi was arrested in July 2018 and granted bail. During the trial, he absconded from court but was rearrested on May 13, 2019 through investigation.

The Provincial Commissioner Lt Gen Mondli Zuma welcomed a hefty sentence. “People are not free in their lives and homes due to problematic people such as Kubhayi. Police will work tirelessly in making sure that such people are removed from society,” he said.

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