
Delmas serial rapist gets 12 life sentences plus 194 years in prison

A  37-year-old man will spend 194 years in prison after he was sentenced by the Delmas High Court yesterday.

Smanga Goodwill Gwebu was given 12 life sentences and an additional 194 years imprisonment after he was convicted of multiple counts of rape and housebreaking.

Gwebu started his terrorising the community of Vosman from 2004  until 2014 where he would break into the victims’ houses at night, threaten them with a knife or at gunpoint and rape them in front of their families. He would sometimes rob them of their belongings like cell phones and cash with his face covered with a balaclava.

He previously robbed one of his victims of her cellphone and gave it to his girlfriend. The victim then reported the matter, and during investigations, the same cellphone was found in his girlfriend’s possession and the accused was arrested.

DNA samples were taken and Gwebu was positively linked with other crimes. He was convicted on 12 counts of rape, six counts of housebreaking and contravention of section 21(2) of sexual offences act (s), eight counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances, and five counts of pointing of a firearm.

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