Teacher’s murderer sentenced to life imprisonment

The teacher's body was found in a shallow river at Enkhaba Trust.

The man accused of the murder of a teacher from Siyeta Primary School at Elukwatini whose body was found floating in a shallow river five years ago was finally sentenced to life imprisonment.

The North Gauteng Division of the High Court, sitting at Breyten Magistrate’s Court found Mr Mafika Bongani Nkosi (31) known as ‘Papa Action’ guilty for the murder of the late Petros Malele (44) and robbery with aggravating circumstances. Nkosi was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder and 15 years imprisonment for the robbery.

The court also sentenced 21-year-old Musa Sebaphelele Mathebula to five years imprisonment for assisting Nkosi with the murder on the day in question, he was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

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On November 23, 2013 the accused together with their girlfriends were offered a lift by the teacher from a local liquor outlet to their homes. On the way Malele told them that he could no longer take them to their destinations due to insufficient petrol in his car. According to the charge sheet Nkosi’s girlfriend insisted that the car could still drive and demanded Malele to allow her to drive

He agreed to the idea and while he was alighting from the driver’s seat Nkosi accused him of having an affair with his girlfriend. He jumped off the car and began stabbing him all over his body until he fell on the ground. The charge sheet states that Mathebula assisted Nkosi by wrestling the victim to the ground while Nkosi continued the assault him.

Both men continued to load Malele’s body in the boot of his VW golf and drove around with it the whole night, they dumped him in a shallow river at Enkhaba Trust on the following morning. The body was found by sand miners who then informed the police. His car was found abandoned in Carolina.

Police investigations led to the arrest of Nkosi and Mathebula six day later as they were the ones who were last seen with the deceased before he was killed.

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