
Man killed for stealing goats

Masoyi police are investigating a case of murder.

Masoyi police are investigating the death of a 27-year-old man who was severely assaulted for allegedly stealing goats on Monday morning.

According to Capt Naniki Nonyana, the victim was allegedly beaten by people who accused him of stealing their goats.

“The suspects arrived at the victim’s home around 04:00 on Monday and took him to a certain place where he was beaten with sticks and sjamboks. He was later taken to his grandmother’s place where he died while waiting for an ambulance to take him to hospital,” said Nonyana


Nonyana added that the police opened a case of murder.

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“We hope to make arrests soon as the suspects are known to the victim’s family,” she said.

She also warned the community against taking the law into their own hands. She said the community must report every criminal behaviour to the police.

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