Police officer injured by protesters

According to Capt Naniki Nonyana, spokesperson of Masoyi police the warrant officer sustained head injuries and the state vehicle had its windows smashed down when a fleet of stones were thrown at him while on duty around 20:00 on Monday.

A police officer was badly injured on Monday night when strikers who barricaded the R538 road with burning tyres and stones in demand of basic services in Mahushu threw stones at the state vehicle.

“The incident happened at the Easy-come street where the officer was there to monitor the situation. He was rushed to hospital where he was treated and discharged on the same night,” she adds.

Picture from facebook.

Also read:Day two of R538 blockade in demand for service delivery

Nonyana says that five Indian owned shops were also looted by some of the strikers at different sections of Masoyi and Swalala.
“The police have received statements from the shop owners and all their cases have been incorporated in the case of public violence we are investigating following the service delivery strike,” she said.
Police arrested 23 suspects aged between 20 and 23 in connection with public violence.

Also read: Residents blockade R538 demanding service delivery

The service delivery strike comes only a week after the community of Nhlalakahle outside Kabokweni barricaded roads with trees and stones also in demand of water in their area.
Joseph Ngala, spokesperson of the City of Mbombela Municipality says it seems like there is another force behind the recent strikes in different areas around Mbombela.
“What worries us a lot is that we get different reasons why people went on strike, some complained of tickets rise, jobs at Sukuza and many more. As a council our water challenges are known to everyone and we ration water to different areas at different times. We also communicate via radio stations, social networks, ward Councillors if we will experience any challenges on service delivery. We really condemn these violent protests mostly because they generate to criminal activities,” said Ngala.

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