Police rescue suspect from an angry mob

A reliable source who cannot be named because she is not the spokesperson for the station, confirmed the incident.

A 30-year-old man accused of house robbery is fighting for his life under police guard at Rob Ferreira Hospital.

The man was rescued by Kanyamazane police after being severely assaulted by the community of Entokozweni on Tuesday after he was allegedly caught stealing from one of the houses during the day.

Also read:Burglaries are on the rise

Also read: Suspected rapist stoned to death

“A case of burglary has been opened against the suspect,” says the source


The following are safety tips around your home as recommended by the police in their sapsjournalonline. (https://www.saps.gov.za/alert/safety_awareness_home.php)

-A high fence around the house with lockable gates, is much safer than a high wall.
-Window bars
-Security doors
-Security gates
-Razor wire
-Additional locking devices on doors
-Strengthening of doors
-Peepholes in the doors
-Safety chains to doors
-Intercom system between the home and gate, front door or garage

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