
Widow and two accused appearing for bail application

The 54-year-old widow and two co-accused arrested in connection with the murder of her husband will appear for their formal bail application in court today.

WHITE RIVER – Ms Ethel Simangele Mdluli (54) and her co-accused including her alleged boyfriend, Mr Peter Khoza (52) and a 32-year-old taxi driver, Mr Xolani Mngwenya were not asked to plead to the charges of murder during their court appearance before the White River Magistrate’s Court on March 20.
Widow in court for husband’s murder

Mdluli was arrested on March 16 in full view of her colleagues from Rob Ferreira Hospital and the other accused were apprehended on the same day.

Mdluli’s elder brother, Mr Mzulu Caiphus Mdluli says the family have at least found closure to know that the suspects had been arrested although they still look on the court to impose a harsh sentence to the perpetrators.

Mdluli was suffocated with a black plastic bag while he was watching the Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) soccer games at his house in White River. His car, a television and a fan were stolen from the house. His car was found abandoned near Kanyamazane police station a few days later.
Also read: Five killed in Acornhoek accident

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